5 reasons to monetize your crypto-related website with TokenAd

 TokenAd is the RTB-powered advertising network for websites focused on everything crypto. We work directly with publishers willing to monetize their bitcoin news websites, blogs, ICO rankings, trading platforms & cryptocurrency exchangers on exclusive partnership conditions. Being a very targeted advertising network TokenAd brings better engagement and more clicks due to strictly crypto-related ads.

    TokenAd webmasters get paid in crypto or fiat currencies at their choice. Bearing in mind how fast cryptocurrencies’ rates grow you can turn your payment into a really good investment;
    We work on a CPM/CPC basis. One spot on your crypto-related website can earn you up to $5 CPM. Premium partners work on pre-payment basis;
    TokenAd multilingual team provide fast & comprehensive support in 25 languages. From setting up your account to installing widgets on your website – your personal manager is always there to help!
    Featuring advanced Anti-adblock solution – don’t miss a single ad impression and be sure that 100% of your traffic earns you money;
    Not yet running a crypto website? You can’t afford to miss this chance to explore new opportunities and earn even more! Create a WordPress blog without any coding skills and monetize it with our specifically designed WordPress plugin solution, easy & fast.


